Apex Surveying has worked with nearly all of the Oil and Gas developers and producers in Wyoming in siting well locations and their associated infrastructure including roads, product pipelines, and facilities large and small.

With many years of experience, Apex is a leader in producing surveys and mapping needed for State and Federal Agencies for well permitting, lease sites and right-of-way easements.

Work areas of note include: Beaver Creek Field, Riverton Dome Field, Sand Draw Field, Pavillion-Muddy Ridge, Moneta Divide, Alkali Butte, Sheldon Dome, Steamboat, Castle Gardens, Rolf Lake, and East and West Gas Hills areas.


Tom Johnson, PLS CFedS



Gary Hatle, PLS, CFedS




407 W. Adams Ave.

Riverton, Wy

307-856-1647 ofc

307-856-6620 fax

